Of course it was raining- what else is new in Paris. The people were out despite the weather. Gallerie Lafayette was a bustle with people shopping and just admiring the food displayed. I enjoyed the women with her dog at dinner - it reminds me of someone I know in Columbus. Homeward bound in the morning. It was a great trip .
Saturday, May 23, 2009
A day in Paris !!!!
Of course it was raining- what else is new in Paris. The people were out despite the weather. Gallerie Lafayette was a bustle with people shopping and just admiring the food displayed. I enjoyed the women with her dog at dinner - it reminds me of someone I know in Columbus. Homeward bound in the morning. It was a great trip .
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We just got home from CNA. Rained the whole time we were in St Petersburg. Henry has lost weight. Still needs new pants.
ReplyDeleteJust caught up on your blog as you are going home. Can't wait to talk to you. What a fun trip.
Can't wait to get all the details. Safe trip home.
ReplyDeleteWow! Looks like you did a lot! Can't wait for more info. See you soon....Pam