Of course it was raining- what else is new in Paris. The people were out despite the weather. Gallerie Lafayette was a bustle with people shopping and just admiring the food displayed. I enjoyed the women with her dog at dinner - it reminds me of someone I know in Columbus. Homeward bound in the morning. It was a great trip .
Saturday, May 23, 2009
A day in Paris !!!!
Of course it was raining- what else is new in Paris. The people were out despite the weather. Gallerie Lafayette was a bustle with people shopping and just admiring the food displayed. I enjoyed the women with her dog at dinner - it reminds me of someone I know in Columbus. Homeward bound in the morning. It was a great trip .
St Paul de Vence
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Cap St Martin
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Excitement was in the air in anticipation of the Monte Carlo Grand Prix
To Market to market.......
Today was quiet an experience at the Farmers Market in Beaulieu Sur Mer- Everything looked wonderful and the prices were very reasonable. Unfortunately my lack of French was very detrimental when shopping. I think a little old woman was telling me in French that I was trying to buy things on the wrong side of the market. Joe did his typical nodding like he knew exactly what she was saying. Now if someone would just cook our dinner.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Cannes Festival
Hotel du Cap Eden Roc
Home away from home at Villa Franche
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday- it is paradise!!!!
We finally made it to our piece of paradise. The apartment in Villa Franche Sur Mer is wonderfully situated overlooking the Mediterranean. The gardens are just starting to bloom. Sunday night we went to Eze, a little medieval village , to explore. It is so cute with lots of little shops and restaurants. We ended in Monte Carlo where there is a lot of preparation for the upcoming Monte Carlo Grand Prix which will be starting on Thursday . Dinner was celebrated at the Cafe de Paris- eating in France is a celebration.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
....when pigs fly!!!!...
Friday, May 15, 2009
Nothing like a little traffic.....
Well it is now 112 am and we are just arriving to Cincinnati due to an accident of both sides of US 71. I guess for once planning ahead has paid off- if it were sat am we would still be sitting in traffic as the plane took off. Hopefully this isn't a sign of whats to come.
Nothing like a little traffic.....
Well it is now 112 am and we are just arriving to Cincinnati due to an accident of both sides of US 71. I guess for once planning ahead has paid off- if it were sat am we would still be sitting in traffic as the plane took off. Hopefully this isn't a sign of whats to come.
Getting on the Road
It is not an easy process to get everything packed and leave the house all in one day. After several hours of packing and repacking and mopping the new porch tile we are finally leaving at 9pm for Cincinnati . We thought it would be easier to stay by the airport since we will be flying out of Cinci tomorrow. The bad thing about having infinite time to pack etc is that you have trouble not bringing everything you have ever owned. I can't believe we are finally going on this trip that I have obsessed about for the last 6 months. I hope it is all that I have imagined it will be.
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